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Either being created by nature or shaped by humans, a fissure appears in the middle of an originally perfect and solid piece of wood. The analogy with the passage of sandglass seemingly suggests the fissure is a work carved by time. Humans tend to believe that “the other world is more wonderful,” but not to look back into the world behind them. However, just as it’s said that, “from the cave adit sifts the moon light and through the wood fissure bears the delicate sun,” fissure is where the essence of moon and sun coverage, and a world that is in a sense more immense and abundant. The dualities raised in his works, for example, curve and linearity, depression and protrusion, balance and imbalance, for example.

Blooming Fissure in Wood Ⅰ

Blooming Fissure in Wood Ⅱ

Blooming Fissure in Wood Ⅲ

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©2021 by Shen Lie-Yi.

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